May 23, Monday (2012 mtg)
well in spite of the mouse running over my head as I passed the
night with my mummy bag drawn over my head with just my face exposed.
Whipped up some good oatmeal this morning with the help of the dried
maple syrup that we picked up at Big Spring Shelter. Put on my old
boots for today, packed up and headed toward Wesser and Wesserburgers!
The southern Nantahalas presented the best of its rugged terrain
especially after Tellico Gap. After the Gap, the trail was a roller
coaster of up and down. The burned up fire tower on Wesser Bald
provided nice views of the surrounding Nantahala Mountains. From
there it was two miles of steep down, down, down hill toward the
Town of Wesser, North Carolina. There were many fine views on the
descent to the Nantahala River Valley. Ruffed grouse serenaded us
today, and we saw wildlife such as a toad, a snake, and many different
At the Nantahala Outdoor Center (NOC), a center for whitewater kayaking
and rafting, we signed into a room with three double beds since
there was only one room left in the hostel bunkhouse. One bed for
me, one for Jim, and one for the backpacks - all for just thirty-three

of the best aspects of the room was the fact that we had our own
shower! I hopped in and took a good shower, but still could not
get all the smell off. Later, we had dinner of all-you-can-eat
salad bar, bread and cheese at the restaurant. I topped that off
with two scoops of ice cream for dessert. The restaurant is an interesting
place being situated right at the river's edge and providing a view
of the kayaking gates that the kayaks race through down the river.
It is a rustic kind of place that caters to people of the outdoor
variety. Later on back at our room, the power went out, so with
nothing better to do I went back to the restaurant and had another
two scoops of chocolate chip ice cream. What better way to top off
the day. Total miles for the day - 11.6
to my mother's
records, I phoned my parents (probably for the first time since
we began our trip) using a payphone at the NOC. I called using a
"credit card number" provided by the phone company rather
than calling collect as I had done in 1981. This way the call was
charged to their phone, but we avoided a collect call charge. We
talked for 19 minutes (cost $6.44). In the list of things I was
to be informed about were my grades from university, reports of
births of cousins in the "family", and that she had sent
a package to me four days ago (sent Thursday, 19th of May) to the
Post Office at Fontana Dam. Apparently I had made an order to a
Seattle, Washington recreational equipment company known as "The
Yak Works" that had some sort of problem. They had sent a card
telling about whatever it was. Unfortunately, I have no record of
what that order was, or what the problem was. Probably the item
was backordered and they wanted to know if I wanted to wait or not.
Yak Works" company was one of the many recreational equipment
companies that had formed around this time, many of which, including
The Yak Works, have gone out of business.
Appalachian Trail Journals ©1983